Nives Špehar

Nives Špehar is our official representative in Slovenia.

Nives began her career in December 2012 when she completed her Single Lash Extension Course, and has since gone on to become a top trainer in Slovenia. She has gained many  Master Diplomas in Eyelash Extension and Brow Architecture.  In 2015 and 2016  she has participated in the Lash Pro Contest where she placed second and third in Volume. In 2019 Nives received "International Trainer of the Year Award" by London Lash Pro. 

Nives now runs her own academy in Slovenia,  where she teaches eyelash extensions (single and Russian Volume), lash lift, Lash Filler and brow courses. She also writes a personal blog, is featured in magazines and is an international speaker at various conferences. 

Nives is a former specialist in marketing and PR with 20 years of experience  and is fluent in Slovene, Croatian and English.


If you want to book with Nives, please contact her directly:

BELLA Lash & Brow training academy
Podmilščakova 25
1000 Ljubljana


Tel: +38631 777 692


Instagram: nives.spehar

Instagram: london_lash_slovenija

Facebook: Bella by Nives


Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews

Tecaj, kjer dobis veliko koristnih informacij in novega znanja, ki ga Nives predaja na razumljiv nacin. Je precizna, natancna, profesionalna in hkrati sproscena in polna pozitivne energije. Nad tecajem lash fillerja sem navdusena.


On the scale from 1 to 10, I give a Foundation course a straight 10! I liked both, the theory and the practice itself. I consider the theory very important, so I was extremely pleased to see how extensive it was. Nives has shown me a lot of tricks in practice as well, and showed me the SAME thing over and over again, until I figured it out. Bravo! Thank you for that!
I was considering to take the course with you for a long time. I followed you and your work on social media and loved your attitude toward newbies. I saw you as a very serious and responsible person which confirmed to be true at the course. You are top-notch and I wish you every success.
Začetnemi tečaj ocenjujem z 10-ko! Všeč mi je bilo oboje, teorija in praksa. Teorija se mi zdi zelo pomembna, zato sem bil zelo zadovoljna, kako obsežna je. Tudi Nives mi je pokazala veliko trikov v praksi in mi večkrat pokazala isto, dokler nisem znala. Bravo! Hvala, da ti v nobenem trenutku ni bilo odveč znova in znova pokazati in razložiti.
Za sam tečaj se se odločala dolgo. Spremljala sem vas in vaše delo na družbenih medijih in vzljubila vaš odnos do novink. Videla sem vas kot zelo resno in odgovorno osebo, za kar se je na tečaju izkazalo, da drži. Ste vrhunski in želim vam vse uspehe.

Leja C.
I'm absolutely thrilled!

Pri Nives sem bila že na prvem tečaju podaljševanja trepalnic 1 na 1 in ker sem bila že takrat tako navdušena nad njenim delom in znanjem, ki sem ga pridobila, sem seveda komaj čakala, da napredujem v volumensko tehniko.
Tečaj je potekal cel dan, ampak je šel čisto prehitro mimo. Toliko zanimivih in novih stvari sem izvedela, toliko novega znanja... Predvsem mi je bilo všeč, da sem lahko ponovila in obnovila snov, ki jo znam že iz prvega tečaja, potem pa samo še nadgradnja in veliko novih stvari. Moram pa poudarit, da ko prideš v salon, je kot bi prišel domov. Tako prijetno vzdušje je in tako super sem se počutila, da sem z veseljem opravljala tečaj.
Nives, hvala za predano znanje in ves trud, ki si ga vložila! Si odlična mentorica in upam da kmalu spet pridem na kakšen nov tečaj.
Čisto sem navdušena! Nives, še enkrat z ogromno besedo HVALA! ❤️
I already did 1-on-1 eyelash extension course with Nives and since then I was so excited about her work and the knowledge I had acquired that of course, I could hardly wait to advance my work with the volume technique.
I learned so many interesting and new things... I was able to renew my knowledge and upgrade it. But I must point out that when you come to the academy, it's like coming home. Such a pleasant atmosphere and I felt so great. Nives, thanks for all the effort you put in! You are a great mentor and I hope to come back to some new course soon.
I'm absolutely thrilled! Again, with the huge word THANK YOU! ❤️

Someone who has a lot of knowledge can do wonders

Moji občutki glede tečaja volumenskih trepalnic so bili na začetku malo skeptični glede trajanja izobraževanja. Zdelo se mi je, da imam grozno pomanjkanje znanja in da ni govora da bi se to dalo predstaviti v enem dnevu. Izkazalo se je, da lahko nekdo ki ima ogromno znanja in ga zna pravilno podati naprej, naredi čudeže. Seveda je na nas kako ga bomo uporabili. Vaja, vaja, vaja... in res pri vsaki stranki napredujem. Nives, zelo si zabavna in simpatična ter hkrati strokovna. Hvala ti za lep dan in lepe trepalnice ki jih sedaj delam.
My feelings about the volume course were that I was initially a little skeptical about the duration of course. It seemed to me that I had a terrible lack of knowledge and that it was not possible that it could be upgraded in one day. It turned out that someone who has a lot of knowledge and knows how to pass it forward, can do wonders. Of course it is up to us to use it. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise ... and I really make progress with every client. Nives, you're very fun and nice, and at the same time professional. Thank you for the beautiful day and the beautiful eyelashes I do now.

Nives, sreča in znanje

Lahko bi naštevala in naštevala in mislim, da mi nebi zmanjkalo dobrih in lepih besed o inštruktorci Nives. Resnično sem vesela, da sem te spoznala in si pridobila tvoje znanje, ki si mi ga srčno zaupala. Izdala si mi pomembne teorijo, ki je pri podaljševanju trepalnic še nisem vedela.
Ampak od kar sem bila pri tebi na res poučnem tečaju ruskega volumna, imam vedno v glavi 2 misli:
1. "Delaj to, v kar verjameš, in verjemi v to, kar počneš."
2. "Vsak dan 20 minut vadi šopke in izjemno boš napredovala."
Hvala ti, ker si...
I could make a list and I think I would not run out of good and beautiful words about my trainer Nives. I am really glad I have met you and have gained your knowledge, which you heartily trusted me. You tought me an important theory that I did not know about, I admit.
But since I have been with you at a really instructive russian volume course, I always have in mind:
1. "Do what you believe in and believe in what you are doing."
2. "Work on perfecting fans 20 minutes every day and you will progress hugely."
Thank you for being there for me...