Is London Lash Glue Fresh?
The age old question - how fresh is this lash glue really? With heavy discounts looming on the horizon for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it’s good to know exactly how fresh your lash glue is, so that you can be sure you’ll get lots of use out of any you may be stocking up on!
How long does London Lash glue last?
So, how fresh is it really? Well, all through the year we receive a fresh shipment of eyelash glue every 6-8 weeks, which means that when you buy a lash glue any day of the year, it’s got at least 4 months of life in it.
If you’ve known us for a long time, you’ll know that during the Black Friday sale we HEAVILY discount our eyelash extension glues (if you’re new here, hello! Get ready to have your mind blown!). Due to this, we need to have more eyelash glue in stock than we normally would, so we arrange a lash glue delivery as close to the sale launch as possible. This means you'll have as much time to get to know and love your eyelash glue as you possibly can!
To check the date of production (DOP), you don’t need to look any further than the bottom of the bottle - the date of production is stamped on the bottom of the bottle so that it’s super easy for us to rotate out any stock which hasn't sold yet (fortunately that’s extremely rare!) and so that you can easily keep track of when your lash glue needs to be used by!
What is the London Lash glue manufacturing process?
To give you a better idea of the whole process from start to finish, here’s a rough timeline of the life of London Lash glue:
1. Lash glue order is placed for 1,000 bottles.
2. Lash glues goes into production, bottles are stamped with a DOP.
3. Quality control happens in the factory - is the lash glue behaving as it should? Is it the right consistency?
4. Lash glues are then shrink wrapped and bottles are placed into aluminium pouches along with silica gel packets. They're then packed and given to the delivery company to come to us.
5. Lash glues arrive at the airport, go through customs and are loaded onto a lorry to come to our warehouse.
6. Lash glues arrive at our warehouse, where they are counted and spot checked for quality. The lash glues are then added to our online inventory, and to the stock on the shelves.
7. You order your new lash glue. Your order is then packed and sent with love (and candy, sometimes!).
8. You receive your super fresh lash glue with plenty of time to use it all!
Whatever the DOP, you can be safe in the knowledge that any London Lash glue you order will be FRESH, high-quality and easy to fall in love with! If you're not sure which eyelash glue is right for you, then you can take a look at our blog here for more info about each of our glues, or you can take our short glue quiz to find out! You can also check out our blog post here to find out how to look after your eyelash glue for amazing lash extension retention.