So, if being a lash technician wasn't time consuming enough,  you need to think about marketing, finance, how to gain new clients - the list goes on! However, do not fret. We've taken care of the marketing side for you. Here's a full breakdown of 5 Monthly Marketing Tasks you SHOULD be doing...


You have to know where you are going before you get there! At the beginning of each month, think about what you want to achieve. Try to be as specific as possible; I.e if you want to gain new clients, specify how many new clients you would like to gain. Once you have your goals for the month, try to focus on 1 – 2 main ones. If marketing is FOCUSED on specific objectives, this will help you stay on track and help plan out exactly how you want to achieve them. 


The impact of social media on businesses is INSANE. You simply cannot ignore it. It HAS to be incorporated into your monthly marketing plan. If you are consistent and invest some time into building your social accountsyou WILL gain more clients. I recommend posting once a day and spending 60 mins a day interacting with other instagram accounts.


Top Tip: Using a phone camera accessory such as a phone lens will help create quality content that your followers will want to interact with. It's a game-changer!


Linking all of your accounts together is also a must. Remember, not all of your clients have Instagram; each social media platform targets a variety of demographics and if you want to attract as many clients to you as possible, focusing on a variety of platforms is the way forward. Trust me it works! 

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You don't have to be a digital marketing expert to advertise online. In fact, the majority of lash technicians don’t run online adverts because they think it is waaaay more complicated than it is!  So why not get an edge over your competitors and run one for your business? Simply boost one of your facebook / insta posts with a budget of £2 a day. Say your ad can reach up to 5,000 new people. That's 5,000 new potential clients! Even if one person books in with you your ad has been paid for AND some more on top  They may become a lifelong client! 


Seems obvious right? However promotion is all about balance. you don't want to use your social media to promote, promote, promote as this will appear too salesey and could put off potential clients. You also don't want to do zero promotion. If you are stuck, simply follow the 80/20 rule, 80% of the time you post valuable, engaging content for your followers and 20% of the time you promote your business. It is really that simple! 


At the end of the month review your goals. What could you have done better? What went well? Are there any more goals you need to focus on? When you know what works, you can then continue incorporating that into your monthly marketing strategy!

For more marketing tips and tricks or simply just a chat during these uncertain times, pop a message to @abigail_londonlashpro ♥️