Mastering Eyelash Extensions For Asymmetrical Eyes: Tips And Tricks For Lash Techs

Whether you're new to the lash game or a seasoned lash pro, working with clients who have asymmetrical eyes can be a little bit challenging. However, with the right techniques and tools, you can ensure that each of your clients leave your lash salon feeling fabulous with beautiful, balanced lashes. So, let’s break down some handy tips and tricks to help you, and highlight some essential lash tools that will be game-changers for your lash sets!

Understanding Asymmetrical Eyes

First things first, let's talk about what asymmetry actually means. It's quite common for people to have slight differences in the shape, size, or position of their eyes, but it can be more noticeable in some clients. These variations can affect how eyelash extensions look when applied. Your goal as a Lash Tech is to create a harmonious look that enhances your client’s natural beauty while addressing their asymmetry.

Eyelash extension client with asymmetrical eyes before lashes

Handy Tips And Tricks 

Assess the Asymmetry: Before you begin, take a moment to have a close look at your client's eyes and analyse the differences between them. Note the shape, size, and position of each eye. You can use callipers to measure if needed. This assessment will help you decide how to balance their lashes. Taking photos of their eyes before you start applying their lash extensions can also help you compare both eyes as you work. 

Eyelash extension consultation

Customise Lash Lengths and Curls: You can use eyelash extensions with different lengths and curls to create the illusion of symmetry. For example, if one eye is slightly smaller, you can use longer and curlier lashes on that eye to open it up more.


Lash Mapping: For asymmetrical eyes, you might need to adjust your usual lash mapping to accommodate their differences. Creating a detailed lash map for each eye is a great way to plan your application and will guide you in applying lash extensions with the right lengths and curls in the right areas. 


Layering Lashes: Layering lashes can add some needed depth and dimension. Applying shorter lashes on the eyelashes in the bottom lash layer and longer lashes in the top lash layer will help to fill in any gaps and ensure a fuller appearance. 

Natural lashes separated into lash layers with lash tape and tweezers

Focus on Inner and Outer Corners: Pay special attention to the inner and outer corners of the eyes. They play a significant role in balancing asymmetry. Sometimes, adding a bit more volume or length in these areas can help balance the overall look.


Check Your Work Frequently: Always check your work regularly. Look at your client’s eyes from different angles to ensure they look balanced.

Lash Technician checking eyelash extensions placement

Essential Lash Tools For The Job

Investing in the right lash tools can make a huge difference in the quality of your work and the satisfaction of your clients. Here are some must-have tools for tackling asymmetrical eyes:


Lash Tweezers: Precision is key when dealing with asymmetrical eyes. Invest in high-quality eyelash tweezers that allow you to place each lash with accuracy exactly where needed.


Under Eye Patches: Under eye patches are designed to keep the bottom lashes separated from the top lashes you’re working on during eyelash extension treatments.  

Lash Technician applying under eye patches for eyelash extensions

Lash Tape: Using tape to isolate the different lash layers will not only help you to ensure full coverage of the natural lashes and prevent stickies, but will also help to speed up your application!


Lash Mirror: A lash mirror can help you check the lash line from underneath and ensure uniformity. 

Lash Technician using a lash mirror to check lash extensions

Variety of Lash Lengths and Curls: Having a wide range of lash lengths and curls at your disposal is essential. This allows you to customise each set of lashes to suit the individual needs of your clients.


Professional Beauty Light: Good lighting is crucial for spotting and addressing asymmetries and helps you see even the smallest details. 

Glamcor horizon the best lash lamp

Remember, practice makes perfect! So whilst working with asymmetrical eyes can be a little challenging in the beginning, with the right approach and some handy lash tools, you can create beautiful, balanced lash extensions that enhance your clients' natural beauty. Each client is unique, and with these tips and tricks you’ll be able to master the art of applying eyelash extensions to asymmetrical eyes in no time!